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Until I get this all up and running, the photos I've scanned are
I was in East Africa from 13 March to 12 April 1998. Most of that time
was spent in Tanzania, but we flew in and out of Nairobi so we spent
a few days at the beginning and the end of trip in Kenya. Thanks
to Dan Ninan for letting me read his report: it helped jog my memory
in some places.
Dramatis Personae
Paul Roberts |
Mwinyi Mkuu |
Dave Hargreaves |
Mzungu Mdogo |
Dan Ninan |
El Presidente |
Mark Saunders |
Pie Boy |
Shoomon Perry |
Mhindi Mrefu |
Jane Whittaker |
Shirley Temple |
Joanna Mason |
Mama yetu |
Natasha Kennedy |
Maziwa Makubwa Mazuri |
Gavin Koh |
Me |
- Kilimanjaro
- being an account of how nine intrepid explorers assaulted
Africa's highest mountain, Mt. Kilimanjaro...
- Safari
- ...and how they shot lots of wild african animals...
- Zanzibar
- ...and then lay on a beach for a week.
- Photograph index
- The Swahili language (Kiswahili)
- Simon Brewer ("Young Simon") is a chap now at Emmanuel who was in Tanzania
about two years before us. His scribbled notes contained on two A4 sheets are often referred to
in the following account.
- Exchange rates at the time we were in Africa stood at
£1 = US$1.60 = KSh60 = TSh640 approximately.
- Americans are reminded that there are 3.3 feet in a metre.
- To convert Celsius to Farenheit, first multiply by 9/5 then add 32.
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Comments and corrections to Gavin Koh at <Gavvie@bigfoot.com>